Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good Times...

At our pumpkin party we had a fun time. I had a moon and a star on my pumpkin cause Jesus wants us to be lights for the world! Adison would never touch the gooey until we all touched it. The picture with dad was where we picked our pumpkins. I liked that place where we got to go in the corn maze section and play hide and go seek.

At my Meditteranean Cooking Class I had super fun because I got to cook my own thing. I got to learn about the Turkey dollars.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Avery's Organic Farm Trip and Some More Adventures

Here is the organic farm and it's me raising my hand to ask a question... I asked what is the fasted food to grow.

This is me next to the pumpkin I found and me with a goat at the Celtic Organic Farm field trip we went on. And the person that owns the farm says the goat bites but it didn't bite me.

This is Adison sitting on the log and this is Adia holding a moth catcher.
This is my sister Adison next to my baby brother Kaden. And this is when I caught Kenyon standing on the monkey bars and he was doing something really trouble like a trouble maker. He broke the rules and I thought he was going to fall down and kill hisself.

I'm at my soccer game and my dad is fixing my shoe because i keep running and getting out my shoe laces.

This my brother Kenyon surfing and he's a really good surfer and this is me feeding the ducks and I almost got to pet one.

This is me and my cousin Lauren and Adison opening her birthday present.

This is my baby sister Adison blowing the candles out and she is so cute. And this is my sister Adia when she was eating this cake it looks like she is eating junk!

The End! Avery's Fun House!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Avery's good pictures

This is me and my friend Brooklyn and we are holding Gatorade.
This is me and my dad sitting on the porch and I served water to my mom and dad and sisters and brothers.
This is me putting my feet on the top of my bike and I am going down the hill doing it. Grandma, I think this will scare you a lot.

This is my dog Max and he listens to me. This is me and my dad and we are all kayaking.
This is me riding my bike.
This is me, my sister Adia and my brother Kenyon and Adison is scared to do it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Avery's Best Time Playing Soccer

This is my coach and the friends that I made in my soccer. This is my first time playing soccer. This is my favorite day of playing soccer!

I can run super duper fast and this is something really fun. I told my coach I couldn't get anymore water because we ran out of water and I was so thirsty but I could not get any more water.
It was super duper hot outside and this is my last water break.
This is me and my brother Kenyon laying down.
This is me in my bathing suit and Kaden he is right in my lap and he is sure really cute!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Name Is Avery And I Have A New Brother

This is me on my Papa's boat and it's a Cobalt. We went to Shasta cause that's where my Papa's cabin is and we wanted to visit the cabin. My Aunt and my uncles and my Granpa's and grandma and my baby friend named Olivia all came with us.
This is me at Art's Camp. I'm in the class dance. My sister Adia was in a cooking class.This is me hitting my Grandma's flower pinata. Her birthday is July 23rd. I think she is 88. My dad is driving the pinata crazy on me. I hope you love my blog and my name is Avery.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lauren's Avery's Pictures

This is my new born brother. If you want you can send me a really brilliant comment about Kaden.

This is me and my dad. My name is Avery. I have a special blog.

This is me acting like a dog and I'm digging at the beach.

This is me acting like I am asleep in the flowers and I sure are cute aren't I?

This is the thing that I am riding and it sure is a pretty boogie board.

This is dad's State Farm he works there and earns us lots of money.

This is my dad opening his Father's Day gift from me. This sure is a pretty picture that I drew for him and the pictures that are on the frame are so beautiful.

You should look at my blog for sure since it is a beautiful blog. Sure sure you should like it. That's it! That's all done.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lauren and Avery's Fun Day!

Lauren is my best friend and you know what??? Lauren is my best friend!
This is my friend DJ and this is my cousin Lauren.
This is a special day for me, Lauren and Kenyon and Adison and DJ.
This is my sister Adison and DJ fighting.
This is Lauren and she has two sisters. One named Brookie and one named Erin. They are my cousins.
This is me and my cousin Lauren and we love to play poly pockets!
I hope you see us soon! Leave me a comment because you guys might like my stuff.