Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Avery's Organic Farm Trip and Some More Adventures

Here is the organic farm and it's me raising my hand to ask a question... I asked what is the fasted food to grow.

This is me next to the pumpkin I found and me with a goat at the Celtic Organic Farm field trip we went on. And the person that owns the farm says the goat bites but it didn't bite me.

This is Adison sitting on the log and this is Adia holding a moth catcher.
This is my sister Adison next to my baby brother Kaden. And this is when I caught Kenyon standing on the monkey bars and he was doing something really trouble like a trouble maker. He broke the rules and I thought he was going to fall down and kill hisself.

I'm at my soccer game and my dad is fixing my shoe because i keep running and getting out my shoe laces.

This my brother Kenyon surfing and he's a really good surfer and this is me feeding the ducks and I almost got to pet one.

This is me and my cousin Lauren and Adison opening her birthday present.

This is my baby sister Adison blowing the candles out and she is so cute. And this is my sister Adia when she was eating this cake it looks like she is eating junk!

The End! Avery's Fun House!


Middleton said...

Avery, I love helping you blog and I think you did a great job... again!

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Wow! That sure looks like a fun trip. I like looking at your blog, too. Keep up the good work!

The Millers said...

Great post Avery! Looks like you've been up to alot of fun stuff!

Grandma Howell said...

You are such a lucky girl to get to do all the things you do. Great picture of Adia eating a chunk out of the cake. I love your blog.